
Different Types of Patio Enclosures

Would you like to have a room in your home that allows for easy viewing and access to the outside? Patio covers are an excellent option. If you already have a patio, you are well on your way to getting a patio fence. Patio fences work by taking an existing patio, preferably one with a patio cover, and adding walls to create a “room”. 

There are many designs and styles that you can choose from when building your patio fence, like these examples below: 

  • Glass Patio Fence – Want to maximize the view? Consider adding a glass patio fence to your home. This way you can enjoy looking out the windows in all directions. Glass panels are usually placed to create your enclosure. These panels can extend from the floor to the top of the wall and can also be used for the ceiling. Some people might call it a porch, but you can always enjoy this enclosure, no matter the weather! 
  • Screened Patio Fence – If you want to feel like you are outside without having to experience the rain, heat, and insects, you will love having a screened patio fence. Just like a typical mosquito net and sliding glass door, the mosquito net will act as a barrier to your patio fence, so you don’t have to deal with pest entry, but you can still enjoy breathing in the fresh air. If you’d like more information on patio fences or other patio additions, call us today at North Texas Home Exteriors!
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